Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Visual Studio Tools for Dynamics AX 2012

Now it became really easy to develop managed components for AX. 

In order to do that you’ll need Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio Tools for AX 2012 (Install Visual Studio Tools from AX 2012 installation).

The first tool to mention is Application Explorer. It contains elements from AOT (and it actually looks pretty much like AOT) and allows to perform some operations with them. For example, it is possible to open projects or SSRS reports stored in AOT in the same visual studio instance just by clicking edit on project node in application explorer.

Application Explorer also allows to generate proxies for AX tables, classes, enums and add them to the project. Just by dragging them from application explorer to solution explorer. It is also very important to mention that VS projects can now be stored in the AOT. That is convenient since they can be included into models, as well as all other AOT objects and thus packaged\deployed easily. Project can be added to the AOT from the Visual Studio directly.

Project can be added to the AOT from the Visual Studio directly.

Ref: https://community.dynamics.com/ax/b/axdaily/default.aspx

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Application version did not change after applying a roll-up for Dynamics AX 2009.

Application version did not change after applying a roll-up for Dynamics AX 2009.

After applying a roll-up to Dynamics AX 2009, the application version did not change.  Only the kernel is showing the correct roll-up version.  There were no errors during the install.

Cause: Dynamics AX 2009 Server configuration is pointing to an application folder that is different than the original installation folder path.

1.  Check  the InstallDir key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dynamics\5.0\Setup in registry and verify application file location in the Dynamics AX server configuration is also pointing to same path.  Dynamics AX rollup will only update the application folder defined in the InstallDir Key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dynamics\5.0\Setup    If the path here is different than the application file location in your Microsoft Dynamics AX Server configuration utility window, then the workaround is to temporary update the path in this registry key to be the same as the application file location in the Dynamics AX server configuration.

2.  Review the DynamicsSetupLog.txt file created during the install of the rollup.  Look for the path for this property - InstallPath.  The DynamicsSetupLog.txt is located here by default on the machine you installed the rollup on - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Dynamics AX\Dynamics AX Setup Logs\YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS  (with a folder containing the date and time you ran the install).  The InstallPath property in this log file will confirm the path of the application folder where the rollup was applied to.

3.  To verify the application folder version - Go to the folder listed in the DynamicsSetupLog.txt (in step 2) and locate the axsyp.version file.  Open this file in a text editor like notepad.  This file will contain the version of your application folder.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Have you heard people say “Time Flies”, “There is no Time”, “Where is the
Time” and sort of phrases.

For all those who would like to master their time management skills, must
avoid these 5 major Time Management Mistakes.

1. Procrastination:

Those things which have to be done now are being procrastinated of being
postponed. This is one of the traits which is not outside but within us.
We have made up a habit that we will do it later as it is not urgent now,
we keep on delaying it till one day it becomes burning and urgent, and
then we have no choice to act on it. At this point of time, we have to
leave aside something that was important but not urgent to complete this
Many of the corporate executives also get a kick from doing something that
is urgent, they love to take pressure, their common phrase is “ohh, don’t
worry there is still a lot of time”.

2. Do it Myself Attitude:

"This is too important. Better let me do it." "By the time I show them how
to do it, I will finish it myself." There are these executives and
managers who always want to be in the thick of the things. They also get a
feeling of threat if some one else starts doing what I do. Some have this
misconception about their indispensability.

3. No Clearly Defined Goals:

Because we do not know what to do, we keep on doing whatever comes our
way. We keep on working very hard but still do not get results or the
sense of achievement because we never have defined what we want to
achieve. “A journey of thousand miles begins with the first single step.”
We all want to take the first step and we are ready to take it,
unfortunately we have not defined our journey so we do not know in which
direction to take the first step.

4. Not taking Decisions:

One of the major mistakes which waste a lot of our time is in-decision. We
keep on procrastinating our decisions. We do not take the right decision
at the right time be it with our professional life or our personal or
social life or be it related to our health. And unfortunately many of our
decisions are not our decisions at all. They are being imposed on us by
our boss, colleagues, family and friends. We also have this urge to be
perfect at time and we need a lot of data and testimony to justify our
decisions and also always we want to be right at all the time so we remain

5. No Action:

This one is the giant of the time waster which waste chunk of our time. We
do not Act on our Goals, we do not take any action on the decisions we
make. Many a time people decide to change their habits and behavior but
seldom they take any action step on their plan. So no action – no results.
Some times people who do not have clarity of goals, do not see the
destination, so, if this set of people act today and cloud sit with a book
and pen and start writing down their goal, probably this action step will
bring them closer towards their goal.

So if you want to start managing your time, start managing the above five
mistakes. So here is your short brief powerful action plan:

Step 1: Stop Procrastination

Step 2: Empower people around you

Step 3: Write down your goals of paper

Step 4: Make those tough decisions

Step 5: ACT now on the above 4 steps.

Wish you all the best. Time management is all about self management. The
better you manage your self, automatically your time is managed

Monday, October 15, 2007


This is my first Post.....